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Lead institution: UGA.

Description: This workshop will provide the ESRs with a state-of-the-art overview of seismic techniques and their application in the Earth surface sciences. The emphasis of this workshop will be on scientific lectures and contacts between partners with different background. The workshop will be organized between field training (EnvSeis Short Course 2) and the course on seismic data analysis (EnvSeis Short Course 3).

Lead institution: BGU.

Description: This workshop will be dedicated to presentations, discussions and round tables on the scientific topics of the 12 ESR projects, and the themes binding them. This workshop will help the ESRs identify shared research questions, challenges and problems, and search for shared answers and solutions. At this time, the ESRs will be formally assessed by the Supervisory Board to determine if they will be allowed to proceed towards completion of their projects. The Workshop will follow EnvSeis Short Course 5.

Lead institution: NTNU.

Description: At this workshop the ESRs will report on the progress and preliminary outcome of their projects by means of an oral presentation. They will receive feedback on the presentations from the assembled scientific supervisors, media and stakeholder partners and external Supervisory Board members.

Lead institution: GEOMAR.

Description: This workshop will take the form of a conference on the use of seismic techniques in the Earth surface sciences. This event will be open and widely advertised and serve to disseminate the scientific results of the EnvSeis research programme. The ESRs will be responsible for all aspects of the conference organisation, supervised by scientists from the Network.