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List of PI's:

- Jens Turowski (GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences, Germany)

- Niels Hovius (GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences, Germany)

- Anne Mangeney (IPGP Paris, France)

- Éléonore Stutzmann (IPGP Paris, France)

- Micha Dietze (Uni. Göttingen, Germany)

- Lina Polvi Sjöberg (Umeå universitet, Sweden)

- Florent Gimbert (UGA Grenoble, France)

- Eric Larose (ISTerre Grenoble, France)

- Gladys Narbona Reina (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain)

- Enrique Domingo Fernandez Nieto  (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain)

- Jonathan Laronne (BGU Beersheba , Israel)

- Reginald Hermanns (NTNU Trondheim, Norway)

- Fabian Walter (WSL, Switzerland)

- Stuart Lane (UNIL Lausanne, Switzerland)

- Heidrun Kopp (GEOMAR Kiel, Germany)

For general questions, you can contact Luc Illien (EnvSeis project manager, GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences)